
New MTCo Website!

New MTCo Website!

In March 2020, a passion for 3D printing and a love for miniatures converged to give birth to the Miniature Tanks Company. What started as a humble venture on Etsy...

New MTCo Website!

In March 2020, a passion for 3D printing and a love for miniatures converged to give birth to the Miniature Tanks Company. What started as a humble venture on Etsy...

An Interview with MTCo House Painter

An Interview with MTCo House Painter

You may have noticed the painted section, well 99% of those painted tanks and vehicles are painted by one guy, the one and only - drum roll - MTCo house...


An Interview with MTCo House Painter

You may have noticed the painted section, well 99% of those painted tanks and vehicles are painted by one guy, the one and only - drum roll - MTCo house...

The MTCo Story

The MTCo Story

First, from my wife, and myself; Thank you – we seriously appreciate you all. Your support and love for everything miniature tanks have not just kept our shop afloat, but quite...


The MTCo Story

First, from my wife, and myself; Thank you – we seriously appreciate you all. Your support and love for everything miniature tanks have not just kept our shop afloat, but quite...